Living with a strong prescription means your glasses are more important to you than to someone with a light prescription. If they break while on vacation, or if they get lost, you know just how much of a struggle it can be to get through your daily tasks until you get them replaced.

You may have long considered vision correction surgery as a solution to your vision needs or you may have gone in for a consultation for laser vision correction–such as Lasik, iLASIK, or PRK– and found out you’re not eligible. There have been many advances over the last few years so this may be a great time to look into your options to finally free yourself and go frameless.

What’s right for you?

Image Plus Laser Eye Centre offers free assessments where you meet with our eye care team to assess your vision requirements. Dr. Wiens will review a list of factors to deem whether or not you are an eligible candidate and will safely benefit from surgical treatments. He will also recommend the best path of treatment depending on the prescription and general eye health and characteristics. This highly accurate assessment is the important first step on your journey.

iLASIK with iDesign Advanced Wavefront can treat -10.00D with up to -4.50 astigmatism of myopia, so many people with medium to strong prescriptions can still be treated with the latest iLASIK technology available at Image Plus.

A key factor that may prevent the use of iLASIK surgery for those with strong prescriptions is corneal thickness. During the iLASIK procedure, an excimer laser reshapes the cornea to correct your vision. If your assessment detects your corneas are not thick enough to allow for the correction and leave enough strong and healthy tissue behind, you will not be a good candidate for this procedure.

But all hope is not lost! If you are under 45, you may be a candidate for intraocular contact lenses, such as Visian ICL or EVO Visian.

Visian Evo ICL

Visian EVO ICL is a great option as patients typically have great results–and fast! With the new EVO Visian lens, patients having up to -18.00D can receive this procedure without the need for a peripheral iridotomy. A peripheral iridotomy is a small opening created by laser which allows fluid to move between the two chambers of the eye. Using the new EVO lens will allow Dr. Wiens to avoid this step, reducing the chance of side effects such as night glares or halos.


EVO ICL treatment is similar to cataract surgery, except there is nothing removed from the eye. The lens is completely removable, which is especially handy if cataract surgery is needed down the road (as you age).

So, if you live with a heavy prescription, consider talking to us again! Assessments are free of charge and can be booked anytime. We’d love to talk to you about your vision correction needs. Imagine being able to throw those glasses away for the very last time (without fearing the cost of buying more)!