Post-Operative Care
Initially, your vision will be like “swimming under water”. Depending on your prescription, your vision should improve over several hours to several days. Each patient heals differently, so timing may vary.
A minority of patients experience a decrease in night vision quality following laser vision correction surgery. This usually is temporary and subsides within several months. Some will continue to experience diminished night vision for a number of months. Occasionally it may be permanent. WaveFront treatment with iDesign minimizes the chance of night vision quality worsening. iDesign WaveFront tends to maintain or even improve night vision quality.
At your first post-op visit with your surgeon (one day after the procedure), we will assess your eyes and your vision. Once you meet the criteria for driving (typically after one day with LASIK), you will be instructed how to get your glasses restriction removed from your license. You should not drive to your one-day post-operative visit.
Immediately following your procedure, follow these instructions:
- No direct contact with your eyes for two weeks after surgery.
- We recommend that you bathe rather than shower to prevent soap and water from contacting your eyes. If you prefer to shower, wear a good pair of swimming goggles.
- Avoid smoke and dust-filled environments for two weeks.
- Avoid swimming pools, spas, hot tubs, saunas, hot yoga, sun tanning beds and lakes for one month.
- Avoid contact or racquet sports for one month.
- Do not wear make-up for two weeks.
- Regular non-contact activities can resume one day post-op, but do not increase your level of exercise for two weeks.
- If applicable, change your driver’s license restriction regarding corrective lenses. You do not require any documentation from us to do this.
Peace of Mind
At Image Plus, our clients receive the best possible care available. You will be provided with a phone number that you can use – day or night – to reach your surgeon with any concerns you might have after your surgery.
Knowing that someone is always there to answer your questions can be the best medicine of all, giving you peace of mind and letting you focus on your new life, free of glasses or contacts!