Despite their obvious fashion value, sunglasses are something everyone should have. Owning a pair of quality sunglasses will pay dividends back on your eye health as they are like a protective barrier to things like glare, UV rays, and dirt and dust. Taking the time to ensure the sunglasses you purchase meet certain health standards can save your eyes years of degeneration.
When looking for new shades, make sure you get a pair with UV protection. Glare isn’t just dangerous when you need to see past it, over-exposure can cause something called snow blindness (see more below). Glare can be an issue when you are trying to ski or snowboard safely, drive your car, or shoveling snow. Having a good pair of sunglasses can cut through the winter glare and ensure your vision is always sharp when you need it.
Snow Blindness
Large open areas of snow, such as parks and ski hills can cause snow blindness in people due to the sheer volume of reflective property. Snow makes an excellent reflector when it’s sunny out, and the resulting glare can overwhelm your eyes, causing temporary Photokeratitis. Think of it like a sunburn on your cornea–you won’t know the damage has been done for a few hours after the fact. Snow blindness causes physical pain in your eyes if you aren’t careful.
Wind & Dust
We’ve all been outside during a very windy winter day, and we know how uncomfortable it can be when the wind is blowing into your eyes at -30 degrees Celsius. This can cause watering and tearing due to squinting and the dry air. A strong pair of sunglasses, close to the face, can provide enough of a barrier to your eyes to prevent them from getting too cold.
Another consideration during dry and cold winters is dust. With all the sand and grit municipal governments put on the ground, heavy winds have been known to kick up the sand and other debris. Having your shades with you can give you the protection you need in these scenarios.
Keep Your Eyes Healthy For Longer
Too much daily light, for your eyes, can be just as bad as not enough. When we are outside in the winter, it can be far brighter and for longer periods of time than in the summer. Reflections in the snow create so much additional light our retinas can become ‘bleached’ and lose visual acuity. Considering you need your eyes for the rest of your life, preventing them from losing this acuity is something to take quite seriously.
Laser Vision Correction
If you currently wear prescription glasses, you know the struggle of choosing between your glasses or your shades. Most prescription lenses offer UV protection, but can’t protect from glare and brightness. Sometimes you suffer simply because you don’t want to wear both sets at once. Laser vision correction makes it easy, and no longer will you need to choose between over-exposure to harmful UV rays, or squinting behind sunglasses. Click here for your free assessment!