Here at Image Plus, we do everything in our power to make your laser eye surgery process as stress-free as possible. From your initial eye assessment and surgical consultation through the surgery and follow-up visits, our team is here to help.

One of the big questions people ask us is, “What will the surgery feel like?” To answer that question and more, we’ve put together this quick guide on what you should expect during and after laser eye surgery.

What Will I Feel During the Procedure?

You will be fully awake during the surgery, but we use a topical anaesthetic drop to temporarily numb the feeling in your eyes, and also give you a sedative about 30 minutes before your surgery to help you feel extra relaxed. During the surgery, you may see bright lights, feel some pressure and you may experience the need to blink. While you can’t see what your surgeon is doing, he will walk you through the surgery.

Will Laser Eye Surgery Hurt?

One of the great things about laser eye surgery is that it’s blade-free and virtually pain free. The majority of patients report no pain during the procedure, however you may feel the following symptoms: slight irritation, red and watery eyes, dryness, a burning onion sensation, or your sinuses may feel as if they are plugged.

How Long Until I Notice a Change in My Vision?

Depending on your previous prescription, you can expect your vision to improve anywhere from several hours after the surgery to several days. Each patient heals differently, so timing may vary.

How Will It Affect My Night Vision?

A small number of patients experience a decrease in night vision quality following laser vision correction surgery, although this is usually temporary and improves within several months. Also, iDesign WaveFront technology minimizes the chance of night vision quality worsening, and often even improves night vision quality – and Image Plus is the only eye care centre in Winnipeg using this innovative technology!

What Should I Expect Post-Op?

If your eyes are a bit sore after surgery, we recommend that you go home and nap for several hours. When you wake up, the irritation should have lessened or disappeared. At that point, you can begin following our post-op instructions:

  • No direct contact with your eyes for two weeks after surgery.
  • Bathe rather than shower to prevent soap and water from contacting your eyes.
  • If you prefer to shower, wear a good pair of swimming goggles.
  • Avoid smoke and dust-filled environments for two weeks.
  • Avoid swimming pools, spas, hot tubs, saunas, hot yoga, sun tanning beds and lakes for one month.
  • Avoid contact or racquet sports for one month.
  • Do not wear make-up for two weeks.
  • Regular non-contact activities can resume one day post-op, but do not increase your level of exercise for two weeks.

When Will I Return for My First Follow Up Visit?

We will schedule your first post-op visit with your surgeon one day after the procedure. At that point, we will assess your eyes and vision. Even if your eyes are feeling great, you should not drive to your one-day post-operative visit. Once you meet the criteria for driving – typically after one day with LASIK –  you will be instructed how to get your glasses restriction removed from your license.

After this initial follow-up, we recommend routine follow up visits at one week, one month, three months, six months and one-year post-op. These may be done with your optometrist, or an Image Plus eye doctor.

Ready to get started? Contact us today to learn more about the Image Plus experience.