The airline industry plays host to a diverse group of job opportunities. Baggage handlers, check-in clerks, flight attendents, navigators and more!

There are, however, two professions that require strong vision to ease the flow of work, but moreover, to save lives and prevent catastrophes.

The Airline Pilot

Commercial flight is a massive business estimated to have generated $834 billion worldwide in 2018, and the airline pilot is an integral part of that industry. With pilots working long hours, operating complex equipment and making quick decisions each day, strong vision is a must.

Pilots require 20/20 corrected vision, which means glasses and contacts are suitable, but not a permanent solution. Maintaining contacts on a pilot’s schedule can be difficult and time-consuming, while wearing glasses comes with its own inherent risks (breaking them, losing them, etc.).

Laser vision correction can provide a more permanent solution to the airline pilot with sub-20/20 vision. With the right treatment and aftercare, pilots can be behind the yoke, frameless, with strong vision and the confidence they can safely take their passengers where they need to go.

The Air Traffic Controller

At the centre of every airport operation, the heart of the airline industry is the air traffic controller. These hard-working individuals regularly put in long hours in high-pressure environments where they need focus on passenger safety.

Among the duties of a controller, relaying airport location and general information to pilots on inbound flights, informing pilots of weather in the area and spots that may affect flightpaths, monitoring aircraft on the ground and in the sky, and ensuring aircraft are able to taxi safely to their respective destinations around the airport.

Being able to not only see the instruments in front of them, such as radar and communications equipment, but the actual aircraft on the tarmac is a requirement of their job.

With many factors such as poor weather and potential equipment failure in the air, an air traffic controller with strong vision can spot an error in a plane’s path despite what the pilot may be telling them over the radio.

Air traffic controllers are required to demonstrate visual acuity of 20/20 per eye with correction, just as pilots are. iLASIK Wavefront technology, used in our facility, is approved by NASA, Health Canada, the Air Force and the Military.  

If you, a friend or family member work in the airline industry in one of these critical jobs, seriously consider laser vision correction. Not everyone is a candidate for it, so we encourage a complimentary assessment to see if you’re eligible for correction. It’s time to live life and fly without boundaries!