As an outdoor game, factors like the wind and sunlight can affect your golf game, but there’s plenty of ways to control your score on the course and acknowledging your vision is the start! If you have been experiencing problems like not being able to see where your ball landed or grabbing the wrong club, it might be time to start thinking about correcting your vision with laser eye correction. Here’s a few things to think about when it comes to golf and your eyesight:
It’s inevitable to avoid the frequent breaks between the light and shadows on the course, and it can be a distracting nuisance to switch back and forth between your prescription glasses and sunglasses. Laser eye correction gives you the ability to throw away your transitional glasses and play the game with a clear view!
Precision and Accuracy
Whether you are near or far-sighted, you are going to run into a few issues on the course. Clear vision ensures that you’ll see exactly where your ball landed and lead you to anticipate your next swing from that location.
Another factor to think about is that your eyes are constantly switching between focusing on long and short distances and better vision ensures an easier transition between swings and less strain on your eyes.
For those who have been playing the game for many years often say that the older they get the harder it is to play the game. Some complain that they have trouble lining their ball up properly or that they are tired of asking their partner to watch where the ball lands.
Look Your Best
Playing a game of golf with a colleague or a client is quite common as it’s a great way to build a relationship away from the board room! And just like most client meetings, you’ll want to dress to impress. Not that you don’t already look great with glasses but maybe it’s always been a desire of yours to not have to wear them!
Many experts suggest that progressive lenses are extremely hindering to your game. According to, progressive lenses don’t take the two most important distances into account –when the ball is on the green or in the air. Progressive lenses often blur or distort these areas, but laser eye surgery gives you the ability to see the distance to the ball before you hit it or while you are putting on the green.
Specialized Glasses for Golf
In today’s market, there are plenty of specially designed glasses for golfers that will eliminate all of these factors that affect your game, but there’s a catch. Although these customized glasses may benefit your game, many consumers end up investing a lot of money into them. Instead of investing in multiple pairs of glasses, laser eye surgery may be a better option for you and your wallet. And while golf is already an expensive game, it’s important to feel comfortable and confident in your sight and game.
You shouldn’t have to worry about pulling out the right club or asking your partner where the ball landed every time. Put less strain on your eyes and more concentration into sinking your hole within par. All of our treatments like the i Design Wavefront procedure are unique! Studies show that 95% of patients improve their vision to 20/20 or better while maintaining or improving their night vision.
Book a complimentary assessment with a specialist from our vision care team today. It’s time to think about other options than just glasses or contact lenses –Go frameless with laser eye surgery and play your best game yet!